Idemitsu Australia



Idemitsu Australia’s 2030 vision is to be a reliable partner for a brighter future

We believe we contribute to social challenges, in addition to providing stable energy supply and we aim to fulfil three responsibilities through our activities.

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Protect the environment 
and lifestyles

Energy/material transition to a carbon neutral/circulatory society.

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Support regional

Next generation mobility and
 community for an ageing society.

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Provide for society with technological capabilities

New materials to make it possible to overcome such challenges.

We aim to enhance our corporate value while remaining a sustainable company and observing the Idemitsu Group’s ESG priorities: 


  • While fulfilling our crucial social mission of maintaining the stable supply of energy and materials, we continue striving to realise carbon neutrality.
  • We promote the development of innovative technologies, pursue advance mitigation of environmental risks, and contribute to the conservation of the natural environment and circular economy.


  • We place the highest priority on respect for human rights in all our business decisions and actions.
  • We leverage our diverse capabilities to grow as a company and contribute to inclusive societies through our diversity and inclusion measures.
  • We work with our partners to achieve a sustainable society throughout the supply chain.
  • We maximise our resources to create solutions that meet the needs of regional communities.
A man signing papers


  • We seek to enhance deliberations by our Board of Directors and continue to improve our effectiveness.
  • We comply with global standards concerning the environment, human rights, labour, safety, and anti-corruption.
  • We conduct fair and honest management, identify material risks, and implement appropriate risk management measures.